
“人生” と言う名の大航海


面倒な月初め。Troublesome beginning of the month.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…


This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…


This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

季節の移り変わり。The changing seasons.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

12月も多い。There are many in December.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

気持ちを繋ぐもの。Things that connect feelings.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

海外から見た日本人像。The image of Japanese people seen from overseas.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

メーカーのプライド。Manufacturer's pride.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

電話越しに浮かぶ人物像。Impression of the invisible telephone partner.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…


This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

人の道。Human road.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…


This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

共存できる可能性。Possibility of coexistence.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…


…流石に萎える。 突然動作が重くなったり、フリーズしたりする。 素人なりに色々対策してるんだが、効果ない。 さっきまで今日の分書いてたんだけど、中断した。 また後で公開…する予定。


This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

鈍る感覚。Feeling dull.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…


This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…


This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…


This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…


This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…


This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

自分で認めている。I admit it myself.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

偏見報道。Prejudice coverage.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

製品に対するプライド。Pride for the product.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

秋風。Autumn breeze.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…


病院、相談先、バイク屋。3件回って色々話してたら、帰宅が今。 ネタは考えてたけど、また改めて…。 Into the Unknown - Male Vocal Cover - Frozen 2 (Disney Soundtrack) ある女性歌手の動画を添付しようと思ったが、オレ自身にまったく響かない。 それを…

日本では “無礼” と言う。In Japan, it is called "burei".

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…


This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

嬉しいニュース。Good news.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

初期補正。Initial correction.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…