ss401t390904’s diary




フェリーが出港して40分程で電話もできなくなった。 画像を添付する事すらできない。 乗船してから何度もトライ&エラーの繰り返し。 漸く接続できたが、正常ではないな。 これはオレだけではなく、他の乗客も同様だった。 という訳で、続きは上陸以降にな…


thank you for reading This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is dif…

プロの技。Professional skill.

thank you for reading This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is dif…

気持ちが高揚してきた。I'm feeling uplifted.

thank you for reading This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is dif…


There is no English translation this time. *The translated English text will be stopped at the end of this month. これは、言うまでもなく血圧計。 今朝の測定値。正常だよね? オレはよく判らない。 会社の社長が社員の健康管理を促す為に、休憩室…

またこの話題。Also this topic.

thank you for reading This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is dif…

話題を変えよう。Let's change the topic.

thank you for reading This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is dif…


thank you for reading This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is dif…


There is no English translation today. *The translated English text will be stopped at the end of this month. ウクライナ戦争のニュースを読んでいた。 これは比較的に冷静な記事が多い。 オレは自身の情報源として有効だと思っている。…


There is no English translation today. *The translated English text will be stopped at the end of this month. 海外の人が日本人向けの動画を投稿している。 それを視ていて、今更気付いた。 彼らの会話には必ず挨拶がある。 日本語なら「やぁ!」と…


There is no English translation today. *The translated English text will be stopped at the end of this month. 最近のオレは「悪天候を呼ぶ男」になったようだ。 関東エリアへ向かうと、天気が悪くなる。 今日は、かなり強い雨。上の画像で判るだろう…

予期せぬ展開。Unexpected development.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

オレは平社員である。I'm a bottom employee.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

トラック ドライバー。

*This time it is a long sentence, so there is no English translation. 見慣れた風景。 以前に撮影したものだ。 今日も地場仕事の後に長距離だと思っていたら、地場仕事だけで終わった。 後日改めて話すつもりだが、会社の大手取引先へ行く必要があって…


This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

真実を知る必要がある。You need to know the truth.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…


This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

新発見。new discovery.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

自分の目で見たもの。What I saw with my own eyes.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

1歩進む。Take one step.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…

準備と思い入れ。Preparation and feelings.

This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…


This blog also has an English translation. I am using the translation function, but I am editing based on the text. It's still hard to read, but if you are interested, please read it. I think every time, but it is difficult to translate Ja…